
Few clubs can boast so distinguished a list of guest speakers as Canadian Clubs. Since 1893, noted individuals from all walks of public life have spoken to audiences across the country – audiences whose desire to be informed first-hand remains strong. The Women’s Canadian Club of Hamilton has been honoured to host Lt. Col. John McCrae,  local historian Dr. Mary Anderson, author Terry Fallis and the Honourable Jean Augustine, to name but a few.

At the 112th Annual General Meeting of the Women’s Canadian Club of Hamilton the members present unanimously carried the the motion:

That the Board of the Women’s Canadian Club of Hamilton begin the process of dissolving the corporation.

While the Board will investigate and start the process there are still issues for the membership to decide.

In order to be able to identify the members eligible to vote on any forthcoming motions the members present at the AGM unanimously voted that a fee of $10 be charged for membership in the WCCH from the date purchased to 31 May 2025.

Membership fees may be paid by cash, cheque or e-transfer.  Please make cheques payable to Women’s Canadian Club of Hamilton and mail them to:


c/o 18 Adler Avenue

Hamilton  ON     L8W 3C3

 e-transfers may be sent to:

The Constitution states that after all outstanding debts and liabilities are paid any remaining monies be awarded to a charity or organization having similar objectives as the WCCH.  As a reminder the purpose of the WCCH is:

To foster throughout the greater Hamilton area an interest in all matters of public concern in order:

  • to strengthen Canadian unity and identity
  • to encourage the education and promotion of Canadian heritage and history
  • to foster an appreciation and awareness of Canadian culture and traditions to new Canadians

 We invite suggestions as to where the remaining funds should go.  The funds can be shared among two or more organizations.  The final decision about the funds will be made by a vote of the members-in-good-standing.  Please send your suggestions to:

Finally, we hope to have a celebration in the spring to mark the end of our beloved Club which has been in existence for over 112 years.  It is a sad time to be saying farewell to the WCCH, but also a time to reflect, with pride, on all the Club has done over its history.  Details about this event will be sent by e-mail and also shared on our website and Facebook page.

We thank you for your support and friendship over the years!

The Board of Directors of the Women’s Canadian Club of Hamilton






 Recorded Meetings from our 2022-2023 season

 Recorded Meetings from our 2021-2022 season

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