Why Join
As the Women’s Canadian Club of Hamilton begins the process of dissolving the corporation and ceasing activities it will be up to the members-in-good-standing to make decisions.
Only those who purchase a membership for the 2024-2025 year will be eligible to vote on matters such as the dispersal of funds.
How to Join
Membership in the Women’s Canadian Club of Hamilton is open to everyone, women or men.
For the 2024-2025 season the Board, on the recommendation of the members attending the 2024 AGM has set the membership fee at $10.
Online: click the Join Now button and and you will be directed to the shopping cart where you can select payment via e-transfer or cheque and complete your contact information.
Please send your e-transfer to The WCCH is registered for autodeposit.
Or make your cheque payable to Women’s Canadian Club of Hamilton and mail it to:
c/o 18 Adler Avenue
Hamilton ON L8W 3C3